We Built This City on Skrot och Plåt
First person walking simulator, interactive installation.

We Built This City on Skrot och Plåt is an interactive installation in the form of a video game.  

In the piece Niklas Dahlqvist digitally reconstructs the now demolished area of Lugnets Industriområde in Stockholm. The reconstruction process was done by using archival material from Per Skoglund and Petter Eklund who photographed the area between 1996-2002. By using a micro historical perspective the work examines questions about the changing city and who and what is allowed to exist within it. The piece also seeks to gain an understanding of the area beyond the existing archival material in order to reconstruct the liminal “in between” places lost to time.

The compositions are done by sonifying the 3D-models in Modalys and everTIMS and the work is thereby a sort of sonic abstraction of a lost soundscape aswell as a graphic score.

>>> Video documentation